Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Valentine Legacy / Catherine Coulter

From Library Journal
Refusing to marry James Wyndham, the man she has loved secretly for years, outspoken, naive Jessie Warfield escapes to England and the estate of James's cousins? and a life as a "nanny." However, when James comes to fetch her, a group of delightful meddlers make certain that they end up neatly married instead. Old secrets, a pirate's legacy, and a cast of wonderful characters are part of this funny, lively, and occasionally mysterious story that provides a satisfactory conclusion to Coulter's "Legacy" trilogy (The Wyndham Legacy, Putnam, 1994, and The Nightingale Legacy, Putnam, 1994.) Readers who enjoy this historical might also find those by Jo Beverley of interest.

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